The journey to becoming a family is the most rewarding

I don't know about you, but after giving birth to my son I would find myself staring at him for ridiculous amounts of time. I was trying to memorize every little detail from his long dark eyelashes to the slight reddish hue of his hair and the way his lower lip dipped in just a bit. I would constantly take pictures on my phone just because he looked different than yesterday. It was the most incredible time and should definitely be captured in anyway it can whether it's on a phone or professional camera.

If you are considering professional new born portraits you may have already searched for "new born photographer {insert your area}"  and found some curious terms like lifestyle new born photography(er) and scrolled past it not understanding what that means.

I prefer a lifestyle photography approach in all of my sessions and new born portraits are no exception. Does this mean you don't get cute little close ups on a clean backdrop. Actually no, we get some of those during your session also.

new born close up portrait
New Born portraits with props

When and where

It is best to have plan on having your new born session within two weeks of birth. I know this can sound exhausting. You are adjusting to new demands and an entirely new schedule after all, but if you want any swaddled and posed portraits after this time frame your baby will be aware and awake much more often. You can still schedule your session after the two week mark in fact the photos above were closer to 1 month; we will try to get some posed portraits, but they may look a little different.

The session will be at your home where you have all of the comfort, supplies, and baby gear you need. I also love that families pour so much love and care into creating the nursery and I LOVE to capture you using that space and snuggling on your bed. I know, you are adjusting to a new way of life and I do not expect you to go cleaning the whole house until it shines. As a mother of two kids, a homeschool family, and a family with two working parents our house is in a constant state of disaster. I mean for real it looks like a tornado whipped through here. I sure can make it look like it's sparkling clean for a quick instagram post though! Do not stress or be embarrassed by however your house looks, but do put away clutter in your bedroom by clearing the nightstands and floor as well as having the bed made. You will also want to make sure the nursery is photo ready by storing boxes of diapers and all those gifts from the baby shower you won't use for a while in the closet. Having a fresh bouquet of flowers at your bedside can be a nice way to give a fresh feel to your photos. Next, observe what times of day your house is brightest in the nursery and your bedroom. I will ask you when you get the best light because photographers are obsessed with light! Well, also because we want to most flattering light for your session.

Now that we have the time and location set it's important to set yourself up for a successful session. The best way to do this is to make sure you have a sleepy baby by the time I arrive. You can try to keep them stimulated for hopefully two hours before your session. You can play with them, bathe them, and keep them in a bright area. About 30 minutes before your session time it is best to change their diaper and feed them until they are nice and full and sleepy. Another thing to keep in mind is that babies are used to being inside mama's warm belly. Put on some light breezy clothes and crank that heat UP. We might not be comfortable, but your little one will be when we have their bare bum on a fuzzy blanket.

As with every other session, your outfits are just as important. Consider the colors and tones of your house and plan your outfits to compliment them. Neutral clothing is always beautiful (hello fellow white tee and blue jeans lovers) and remember to avoid more than one person wearing black. I am also a fan of blue jeans and a black tee, but especially for indoor portraits where there are a lot of shadows all of the black clothing joins to form one black blob in camera. I do have some new born items like swaddles and sleep sack, but it can also be nice to invest in a special knit outfit. There is just something magical about the contrast of baby smooth skin and knit texture. I always ask if you have a special blanket or stuffed toy made by loved ones. It breaks my heart a little every time I see a hand knit blanket at the local kids thrift store. Somebody put SO much love into making that, let's honor their effort.

When I arrive at your home we start with new born photos on the backdrop and with props. It does take a few minutes for me to set up, but it is very easy for me to find good window light pop open my table, and stretch a blanket over the backdrop. This is why you fed baby right before I got there! Hopefully they are sleepy and ready to be swaddled and posed. This gives you time to finish getting ready or stash any last minute clutter you don't want in the photos. Capturing even just a few different new born posed portraits can take some time because every time we move one little thing like even straightening their little fingers they need time to settle. Please plan to have your session on a day that you have a completely open schedule and know that I may be there for a while. Once we have capture some sweet new born poses it is time to move into the lifestyle portion of the session. This is the easy part you will snuggle and sway with your baby as you soak up the soft window light. There may be a few breaks to change diapers or to feed baby (or yourself), but usually the lifestyle pictures are fun, quick, and easy.

Have additional questions

I am always just an email, text, or call away. I always think I have covered all there is to know, but forget that I have done this so many times and this will be most families first experience with new born photography. Please reach out with any questions, requests, or suggestions!